Use Case

  • Logistics

    Optimize logistics management with information such as location tracking and temperature using devices attached to transportation machinery.

    • Trucks
    • Pallets
    • Drones
    • etc.
  • Environmental Monitoring

    Enhance cultivation and safety of our livelihood by collecting and reporting environmental data such as temperature, wind speed, water level and moisture.

    • Aquaculture
    • River monitoring
    • Disaster detection
    • etc.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring

    Enable monitoring and maintenance at appropriate timing of remote facilities.

    • Wind-power generation
    • Power tower
    • Drainage system
    • etc.
  • Agriculture and Farming

    Enable monitoring of the growth and the pest damage of foodstuff including grains, management of livestock over a wide area and give support at appropriate timing.

    • Livestock farming
    • Large-scale farming
    • etc.
  • Keeping an eye on people's safety

    The tracker can be used for safety management of rescue staff in case of distress or disaster. It can also keep an eye on people's activities in areas where cell phones are out of reach, such as forestry.

    • Rescue Staff
    • Activities in the mountains
    • etc.
  • Sports Tracking

    It can help manage the location of athletes in natural sports, such as triathlons and adventure races, and help them to manage their sports safely.

    • A variety of outdoor sports
    • etc.

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