Accelerating toward a smarter society and healthier future.

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Sony Semiconductor Solutions Group (SSS) is committed to realizing a safe and secure social infrastructure as well as highly efficient industrial and social systems so people can live as they like in a sustainable society.

Coming soon

Technological Field

Visualize what can't be perceived by the naked eye
and explore solutions to social problems.

SSS has contributed to the development of IoT in society by providing the imaging and sensing technologies required to digitize phenomena.

Smartening more areas
of society and increasing
everyday satisfaction.

SSS offers a wide variety of image sensors for farms, cities, factories and more. We are contributing to a safer and more secure social infrastructure while also increasing the efficiency of industries and social systems. We are helping to raise work productivity and create a prosperous future where everyone can demonstrate their individuality and creativity.

Creating new social
infrastructure and protecting
the environment through
technologies and co-creation.

The adoption of AI, IoT and other digital technologies still requires the resolution of various issues to lower network latency, raise security and reduce power consumption. SSS aims to tackle these issues and contribute to a new social infrastructure by integrating its image sensors with platforms and accelerating collaboration with various partners. As sensing networks expand worldwide, we will also fulfill our responsibility to the global environment by improving efficiency and reducing data.

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